It's almost here! Rock4Sight Concert
Posted by Ophthalmology News on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 - Article Link
Charity of the Eye Care Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the US., and believes in the importance of preventative care and eye health education, especially in a time that digital devices are so prominent.
CECN helps educate the community through our educational videos, social media channel educational postings, and free downloadable and printable information on its website.
NEW YORK—In just over two weeks, members of the Rock4Sight Band will reunite on stage at the Hard Rock Café in Times Square for the first time since performing there in 2019. The musicians and singers are excited to be back in front of their optical industry friends and fans after the long hiatus.
But they are also eager to donate their services to a good optical cause. In this case, it’s the non-profit vision foundation ECN Purpose, which is dedicated to helping educate the public about eye health and facilitate access to vision care among people who are unemployed, uninsured, impoverished, elderly, immobile or in foster programs or youth sanctuaries.
"Since our first gig in 2008 at a small club in NYC, I've been involved with a group of musician friends with the same goal in mind: improving sight for those in need,” said guitarist Steph Hamilton.
“We have raised awareness for the visually impaired, the underserved, and collectively raised over $1.5 million to support many charitable organizations. These are the ones on the front line, making a huge difference in so many lives.
"This would not be possible without the support of our sponsors, ticket holder fans, musician brotherhood, and organizers resulting in a highlight for so many during Vision Expo East. I'm very proud to be a small part of such a big initiative," Hamilton said.
Another Rock4Sight stalwart, trumpeter Eric Rollins remarked, “Life is about people. As a live music fan, I bought a ticket to the first show at the China Club in 2008, and a year later started playing with the band.
The people with which I get to make music for a fantastic charity have become great friends. We help people’s lives while having a great time with a wonderful audience of eyecare pros.”
As in the past fundraisers the band has participated in, corporate sponsors will again provide the bulk of the revenue. This year, retailer National Vision is serving as Rock4Sight’s lead sponsor.
"National Vision is thrilled to once again serve as lead sponsor of this great event. This is always a fun way to benefit a great cause while connecting with our optical colleagues," said Jacqueline Grove, senior vice president, talent and development; diversity, equity and inclusion; culture; and philanthropy.
Grove said that in support of National Vision’s ongoing commitment to optometry students, the company will be providing a limited number of complimentary student tickets on a first-come, first-served basis at the National Vision booth during the Career Zone during Vision Expo at the Javits Center on Saturday, April 2.
"National Vision sees Rock4Sight as an opportunity for students to deepen their engagement with the optical community and experience first-hand its generosity and enthusiasm, all while listening to great music," said Grove.
For the Rock4Sight show, Diamond Guitar Sponsors include National Vision and Rock4Sight.
Gold Guitar Sponsors are Avēsis, Denise and Scott Mogil, Stein Family Charity and UnitedHealthcare/Spectera. Silver Guitar Sponsors include Aerial Vision International (AVI), Caterpillar Eyewear by Inspecs, Eyewear by R.O.I., Eyewear Designs, Karen Kane, L’Amy America, Marcolin, M.C.Q., Marco, Modo, Nouveau Eyewear, Ocuco and Zyloware. Jobson Optical Group is the official media sponsor.